Monday, 30 May 2011

brief update

Again, I'm not posting as much as I want to. There just aren't enough hours in a day!

With no time to work on much concept art lately, I do have an alla prima painting from earlier this month and few more to put up once I get them photographed. Some life drawing and concepts to come once I get them all scanned too.

Work is keeping me busy, which is excellent!

oil on board

This painting was quite fun for me and a first for painting the figure alla prima in oil. I have another process shot somewhere that I'll post up later.

I noticed there were a lot of deadlinks since my website is down and being reconstructed at the moment, so if you're interested here are some links to the updated pages:

Figure painting
Still life

1 comment:

Francis said...

Hello Belinda :],

It was great to meet everyone on Saturday, and it was really cool to see your sketchbook.

The last post regarding work sounds really exciting for you and I love the look of the work from the Florence Academy and this oil painting. Wonderful painterly textures and warm colours :3

I look forward to seeing more and to the next meet,
Kind regards,